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The Process of
Architectural Modelling

We work closely with our clients, providing physical samples and meeting in person to review progress. This ensures clear communication and expectations throughout the project.

1. Proposal

1. Proposal

We gather all the necessary information to develop a detailed project bid/proposal, including dimensions, materials, finishes, and costs

2. Proof of Concept

2. Proof of Concept

We create a full-scale sketch model to understand the project scope, followed by a small sample showcasing the final fit and finish.

3. Digital Model Prep

We develop a 3D model that incorporates material thicknesses, generating all information needed for fabrication.

4. Fabrication

We begin physical production, which may involve laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC milling, and painting of all model components.

5. Assembly

This crucial stage involves our team carefully putting the model together.

6. Model Photography

We use professional photography equipment and seamless backgrounds to document our work.

7. Model Delivery

We fabricate custom packaging and crates to ensure our models arrive safely at their destination.

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